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The Birth Uprising Digital Pack UK
Intro to the TBU team (4:21)
How It's Going To Work (8:53)
Download Your Hypnobirthing Tracks and Resources (FACEBOOK PASSWORD)
Hypnobirthing 101
What Is Hypnobirthing? (7:02)
The Science Bit (18:40)
Building A Positive Mindset (13:11)
The Uterus & How To Help It (7:03)
The Hormones of Birth (6:56)
Positioning of Baby (6:44)
Why Breathing Is So Important (1:17)
Hypnosis (8:33)
Visualisation (10:56)
The Science of Affirmations (7:04)
Your Toolkit For Birth
Anchoring (3:33)
Perineal Massage (5:56)
Your Comfort Levels (13:20)
Breathing Techniques (7:59)
Birth Bag/ Your Environment (20:08)
Things to Remember in Labour (4:01)
Pelvic Floor (3:47)
Pain Relief (3:24)
Your Special Circumstances
Navigating your special circumstances (11:22)
Your Birth/ Your Plan
The Birth Partners Role (6:54)
Choosing Where To Have Your Baby (15:44)
Induction (52:12)
Caesarean (17:28)
Birth Plans (21:14)
Due Dates (10:37)
Decision Making (18:05)
Your Position For Birth (5:35)
Your Birth Rights (30:34)
Getting That Baby Out!
The Last Few Days of Pregnancy (21:22)
Early Labour (9:14)
Active Labour (49:02)
Transition (6:51)
The Birthing Bit (15:30)
Golden Hour (8:55)
The Placenta and Your Baby's Cord (13:57)
Postnatal Expectations (12:26)
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Things to Remember in Labour
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